amazing replica! This bag is 🔥. 4 stars due to order issues
When I ordered on 5/20 I made a note:
Before I make payment please confirm ALL ITEMS ARE IN STOCK READY FOR SHIPMENT. also please ship with the 4-7 business days shipping Fed ex or DHL. NO EMS SEA SHIPPING!
They confirmed all items were in fact in stock. I made payment and they emailed a week later saying 3 items were out of stock
Then I realized that they shipped the other items and the replacements to an OLD address. I updated it online before placing the order.
They provided 2 UPS tracking numbers. One going to my old house and one going to an entirely different state. Took a week and they corrected the one going to the other state by giving me the correct FED EX tracking number. Fed ex held the package at a center and I requested a pick up.
Ordered this on 5/20 and officially delivered on 6/14
The company could be better at customer service as they were no help checking items in stock and no help with changing the address.
When I ordered on 5/20 I made a note:
Before I make payment please confirm ALL ITEMS ARE IN STOCK READY FOR SHIPMENT. also please ship with the 4-7 business days shipping Fed ex or DHL. NO EMS SEA SHIPPING!
They confirmed all items were in fact in stock. I made payment and they emailed a week later saying 3 items were out of stock
Then I realized that they shipped the other items and the replacements to an OLD address. I updated it online before placing the order.
They provided 2 UPS tracking numbers. One going to my old house and one going to an entirely different state. Took a week and they corrected the one going to the other state by giving me the correct FED EX tracking number. Fed ex held the package at a center and I requested a pick up.
Ordered this on 5/20 and officially delivered on 6/14
The company could be better at customer service as they were no help checking items in stock and no help with changing the address.